823 Franklin Park Dr.
E. Syracuse, NY 13057

Parking and Handicapped Accessibility
The main parking lot is in the back of the church. Enter through the doors straight ahead and go up the stairs to the narthex (foyer) where you will be greeted by an usher and given a worship bulletin.
Front circle parking
Use the parking circle in front in order to avoid stairs and enter directly into the narthex (foyer) outside the sanctuary. After the worship service, you'll find an elevator in the narthex if you wish to attend coffee hour in Fellowship Hall downstairs. First United Church of East Syracuse is fully handicapped accessible.
There are restrooms on both levels of our building. You'll find men's and women's rooms on the right side of the hallway off the narthex . A larger handicapped/family restroom with infant changing table is in the downstairs hallway with separate men's and women's rooms on the opposite side.
Hearing Loop and Sound System
We have a hearing loop that connects to our sound system for those with hearing aids containing a T-coil. There are also portable devices for use with hearing aids that do not connect automatically.
Thinking of Visiting First United Church?
Here's What to Expect on Sunday Morning
Entering the church
The first thing you'll notice when you enter First United Church is that our building is clean and well maintained. (See side bar for parking and handicapped accessibility info.)
The second thing you'll discover is that we are a friendly and welcoming congregation. You'll be greeted by an usher who will give you a worship bulletin that contains the order of worship.
When you enter the sanctuary you won't find anyone saying "you're sitting in my pew" here. Please sit wherever you're comfortable. We pass around a friendship pad at the beginning of the service to record attendance. You don't need to fill out all the information if you don't want to, but we do appreciate it if you're comfortable doing so.
--We welcome children to attend the worship service and invite them to attend Sunday School (Sept-June) when they are dismissed following the children's message. --Children's church time with the pastor follows in the chapel upstairs from 11-11:15 during the program year.
--Nursery care for infants, toddlers, and young children is provided year round by a paid professional each week.
--Children's activity bags are also available for use during the service, especially during the summer months when there is no Sunday School.
The Worship Service
The worship service begins with a prelude shortly before 10 AM to help us prayerfully center our thoughts on God. The worship candles are lit as a symbol of Christ's presence with us, followed by the entrance of the pastor and worship assistant. The choir, which meets Sept-June, also processes at this time.
Our service is basically traditional, but occasionally we have been known to add a few elements that some would label more "contemporary" such as a music video, skit, or a singing communion from time to time.
Click the button labeled "Sunday's Bulletin" to see a preview of this week's service.
We are a congregation that loves to sing. You'll find that we use a variety of musical styles that incorporate both the old beloved hymns and more recently composed songs of worship from the late 1900's and early 2000's. Most of the hymns we sing come from the United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing supplemental book. We also have a license to print additional hymns when desired.
We are blessed to have a wonderful music director and choir that enhance our service each week with anthems, solos, duets, and instrumental music. Children also sing in church 4-5 times/year.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Most often we come forward to receive the bread and juice by way of the center aisle, returning to our seats via the side aisles. Sometimes, communion is served in the pews--usually in June, October, November and Christmas Eve. We also make use of the altar rail for a more personal communion experience during Lent.
For more information, please take a visitor bag found on the table in the narthex.